A Cause to Be Thankful by Yolanda Shanks Review


Yolanda Shanks knows we have a problem with gratitude, and she isn’t afraid to share her honest feelings about it. In A Cause to Be Thankful, she explains the importance of feeling and expressing gratitude to those around us as well as to God. Yolanda writes from the perspective of an attempted suicide survivor, but you don’t have to have that experience to be able to benefit from this little book.

Yolanda grabbed my attention in the first chapter with the line “the attitude of entitlement cannot share the same space with thankfulness.” When we feel we deserve something, (which she points out is never true,) even if it happens, we can not be grateful for it. However, when we develop thankfulness, we will appreciate everything that happens.

Another gem I found is “if we stop to think about God’s goodness, thankfulness should resonate, not only out of our mouths, but through our living.” What a great reminder to grumble less and choose to see that life is a gift. Gratitude should be a way of life, a way to bring people to Jesus. He is glorified when we choose to be grateful.

The second half of the book is devoted to the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers in Luke 17. Out of ten men healed of this horrific, disfiguring, isolating disease, only one stopped to thank Jesus. We all want to think that would be us, but how often are we one of the nine who go on their way? How often do we adjust to the new normal and start to expect that, instead of falling at Jesus’ feet when He changed our lives? I know I am prone to a sense of entitlement without even realizing it. How sad!

In the beginning of the story, these ten men were obeying the law by standing apart from the crowd surrounding Jesus, but He saw them. Jesus sees us and comes to us, despite the situation we are in. He dives in and cleans us, making us shine. All we have to do is ask for Jesus’ help, and He will deliver us.

When the Bible story shifts from being about ten men to one, it is because of the man’s attitude. He came back with a posture of humbleness and gratefulness and could not stand not acknowledging his healing came from Jesus. Jesus’ response was to not only heal the man’s body, but his soul too. Because of that one act of gratitude, the man would spend eternity in heaven.

A Cause to Be Thankful reminds me that since I have Christ, I have a reason to be thankful. Through extensive Scripture and prayers, Yolanda Shanks steers my heart toward gratitude. When I fully appreciate what He has done for me, I can live fully. If you are interested in this book, you can find it here and on Amazon.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

Linking with Faith Along the Way!

8 thoughts on “A Cause to Be Thankful by Yolanda Shanks Review

  1. Good Morning, Sarah ~

    I love this emphasis on gratitude. We surely wear a spirit of entitlement way too often. Gratitude brings the glory and praise back to Who it belongs to. I love that.

    I hope this week’s been a good one for you and that your weekend is filled with tender, gentle moments with your family.


    1. Thank you Linda! We do need to take off that entitlement and put on humility. Daily of course.
      The week has been great, even with the cold.
      Jesus thank You for the cold so I can appreciate the warm. 🙂

  2. This looks like a fantastic book, Sarah! The fact that she is an attempted suicide survivor makes it even more beautiful. I love to see women overcome hardships and find so much to be grateful for, especially Jesus :).

  3. Found you at the Saturday Soirée. This sounds like a great book. Gratitude is definitely essential to being happy 🙂

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