So Much the Better Children’s Book Review

When my copy of So Much the Better arrived in the mail, I told the girls I was going to read it out loud to them. Since it wasn’t in their Narnia or Wimpy Kid series, they weren’t enthusiastic.

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Then we sat down to read. Author Megan Means had the girls so enthralled that on that first day, they wouldn’t let me stop reading after a chapter or two. We finally ended the session at four chapters.

The story of So Much the Better follows a lion cub named Ari. He is separated from his pride one day and found by a wise eagle, Eliezer. Eliezer helps Ari on his quest to return home and to grow into the lion he is meant to be.

Ari’s eagle friend is a comforting presence and says many things that stick with young ears. “You must not despair, for even when you cannot see me you must have faith that I am close.” “He who keeps gladness in his heart remains strong.” “Be strong and of good courage.” “Keep your heart full of love and you will never fail.”

As he goes through a dark forest and back up the mountain, Ari faces challenges and makes new friends. Eliezer’s words go through his mind as he makes decisions. I love that there are biblical themes woven throughout the story that kids can apply to their life.

It may have been written for upper elementary school, but my second grader and I enjoyed it as much as the fourth grader. Finding books we can all agree on is tough, but it was great to be able to curl up with my girls for some time each day. The story is uplifting and teaches lessons on life we can all use.

Disclosure:  I received a free copy of this book to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

If anyone is interested, my friend Sarah over at Faith Along the Way is giving away Younique makeup from me if you comment on your favorite family project this week. Head over here to see the post!

Linking with Holley Gerth

6 thoughts on “So Much the Better Children’s Book Review

  1. Aw, seeing the picture of you with your girls brought back memories when I used to read aloud like this with my own two daughters. We’d curl up under a blanket too and just enjoy the time together. Now they are 20 and 26. 🙂 Haven’t done that in a few years. Enjoy!

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