Hang On

imageThere are people on my heart now that are going through unimaginable struggles. Illness. A sick child. No job. Despair and darkness. Children walking away from the way they were raised. I won’t pretend to understand why these happen. All I know is we live in a fallen world where bad things happen. But I can say this: hang on. God has been with you the entire time. As Christians, we are more than conquerors. Romans 8:37 in the NLT says, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Overwhelming victory. More than conquerors. I love these powerful words. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Never forget you have the everlasting God on your side!

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous to be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22)

“Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” (Psalm 37:24)

God is holding your hand, walking next to you. All too often we cling desperately to our problems, our stress, and our anxiety. But guess what? With our fist so tightly held onto troubles, we have no way to hold Jesus’ hand. He asks us to let go of our problems and trust Him. He has been where we are going and has a path set for each of us. All we have to do is open our hand for the stress to fall and grab onto God with all our strength.  This isn’t easy or a one time thing. It is day by day, minute by minute. When we need strength and peace, we call out to Him. If we ask God to fill us with Him, He will do it.

So hang on. Grab Jesus’ hand and cling to it with everything you have. He is working and moving in ways you can’t see and He isn’t done yet.



It is that time of the week when Holley Gerth allows me to link up to her site. Thank you Holley!

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